All About the Doctoral Studies at Advan-kt

           Doctoral studies are all about the research and innovation, pertaining to produce a document (Thesis/Dissertation) for academic context while prohibiting any form of plagiarism on it. It does not carry any merit from the additional words, like Part-Time/Full-Time/Off-campus/Top-Up/Campus-PhD/Fast-Track/Traditional/Group PhDs and such. The 3 years 'full-time' duration will normally be given to fresh candidates, to support the university's faculty duties (teaching lab experiments, marking papers, conducting invigilations and etc); to be experienced in handling academic matters. This concept is very common among universities, as to run the faculties easily and also smoothly with a research assistantship. If the research program (M.Phil/PhD) comes with a full financial package (Scholarship), having covered the research cost as well as the PhD candidates stipend, then 3 'full-time' years are ideal for. If the same research program (M.Phil/PhD) is self-funded or asked to be funded privately, then the candidate may choose for a part-time mode which can be finished over 6 years time. All these long years do not guarantee any PhD completion as a matter of fact, unless the candidate publishes his/her ideas at a greater level, revealing originality in the high-impact journals like ISI-Web of Science, Q1 or Q2 ranked journals. A PhD thesis with 2 ISI-Web of Science, Q1 or Q2 ranked journal publication guarantees minimum pass on PhD by Thesis mode but the publication ranking varies from one university to another. Sometimes a different scheme may have been established by private universities to suit themselves. So it can be said that: the annual count will take the doctoral candidate nowhere in real world. However, the duration is an added advantage for the PhD by Prior Publication candidate as it can be completed within 3 months of time in most cases. Thus: the minimum required duration for a PhD by Prior Publication program is 3 months and the maximum goes up to 12 months because the publication prevails. Almost 80 UK universities have accepted the minimum duration for the PhD by Prior Publication while the maximum is 12 months. As for any medical science award, 3 ISI-listed publications are required for the thesis preparation. These numbers are still a debating factor among academics but 5 papers will stop from questioning further. Upon the budget, one can get PhD by Prior Publication from ranked universities as the fees vary for the brand but 5 ISI-listed publication remains the same. Another shocking point here is that the university name or ranking will not be included in the doctoral examination results but they are very useful during the journal publication process. For simplicity, the doctoral studies are categorized as follow:

To date, the research outcome carries tremendous significance in technological growth and therefore universities or industries are eager to push the researchers for greater output. This fact depends on the field of research which requires infrastructure (medical and engineering), so automatically the industries lead the academia in this case unless universities own state of art laboratories for cutting edge research otherwise. For an instance: MIT owns Lincoln Laboratory , chartered to apply advanced technology to problems of national security in the USA. So conceptually the traditional universities are different from the research universities and on the opposite end, the industries have catered very high-tech facilities for their innovative output. However, this fact varies significantly for social science, general education, legal studies, and business education. The most recent development in doctoral studies is the Professional Doctorate which is expected to have solutions for the emerging problem in the industry from time to time. The duration for this kind of program is half of the PhD by Thesis/Industrial time; about 2 years.

Advan-kt welcomes any experienced person for 'industrial-PhD' with minimum data. We don't have any placement for 'somebody-spoon-feeding-me' candidates no matter from which university he/she is applying for. It is compulsory for the 'PhD by Publication' applicant to have sufficient publications at the material time. As for the 'PhD by Thesis/Theses' applicant, a formal master/bachelor degree with good grades is required as we have several projects with partial scholarships. There is no minimum duration for any of the courses because we evaluate each and every candidate specifically for advance standing status. We have no objection on duration as we have helped several candidates to complete within 3 months, without adjusting the qualities.

Advan-kt has formed a consortium of universities (Advan-kt Consortium Universities) to confer doctoral degrees with a lower fee for the same quality of journal-publication ranking. The fees vary upon the brand you need. For an instance, if one person says that: "I'm willing to pay USD 40k as fees for my research output!"; then he/she will get UK/USA university PhD because the fee and brand are both proportional to each other! ". Although we don't encourage such a scheme, it takes time for people to understand the reality because they don't know it. So far, we have had 7 universities for doctoral studies but only 3 universities are very active in accepting PhD Viva Voce Examination results from Advan-kt now. For 2020, we have set USD 5100 as the complete-package fee to cover the following: 1) Thesis Preparation, 2) Examiners Thesis Evaluation, 3) Conduct PhD Viva Voce Examination, 4) Register PhD with University and 5) Maintain Database for 20 Years in Online Medium. Please note that if any of the candidates have 5 ISI-listed publications at Q1 ranked journals for the PhD by Publication program, then we provide 10% scholarship for. If any of the thesis is very good in its nature, we give the candidate 10% further fee discount. Eventually, the Advan-kt is hereby requesting to all the applicants to have some basic knowledge about doctoral qualification before decide what is right for themselves. A doctoral candidate is regarded from his/her publication and not from the university name in the modern and competitive era. Application Form

Great Researchers History

Self-made researchers change the entire world from time to time. Sir Humphry Davy, Francis Hauksbee, Musschenbroek, Benjamin Franklin, Hendry Cavendish, Galvani, Alexsandro Volta, Micheal Faraday, Maxwell, Hertz, Swan, Edison, Marconi, Tesla, Boss, Schockly, and others..... did not run behind universities names but developed their own lectures so one-day universities use it. Advan-kt welcomes such mentality and ready to provide resources for their research.

Measurable Evidence of Your Research Impact

Web of Science (Complete Info)

Curated by an expert team of in-house editors, Web of Science Core Collection is a trusted, high-quality, definitive resource for journals, books and conference proceedings. Master Journal List lets you search across all journals indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), and Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).

Measurable Evidence of Your Institution Impact


Reliable, on-demand readership metrics let you see the global impact in real-time. As a market-leading IR, Digital Commons focuses on providing you with innovative analytics tools to help your institution secure more funding, identify potential collaborators and create new pathways for your research and scholarship’s discovery.